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Men's Ministry

Men Of Valor

The True Foundation MOV Men's Ministry, led by Bishop Frederick M. Jackson, Sr., is committed to uniting men under one common objective: to shape each man into a reflection of Jesus Christ's character and person. We achieve this through the study of the Word of God and the development of meaningful relationships that foster personal accountability and provide opportunities for service in the home, church, and community.

Our mission, inspired by Ephesians 4:1-3 (NIV), emphasizes living a life worthy of our divine calling. We strive to cultivate qualities of humility, gentleness, patience, and love, while actively promoting unity and peace within the body of believers. By bringing men of all ages together, we aim to foster a deepening relationship with Jesus Christ and encourage one another to become servant leaders in our families, churches, and communities. We measure the success of our mission by the evidence of men disciplining other men and embracing the belief that true masculinity is found in godliness.

We warmly invite you to explore the various ministries available to the men of True Foundation. These ministries all center around Jesus Christ, providing a spiritual fellowship where like-minded individuals can gather and grow together.

As we constantly seek new avenues for serving our men, we value your input and ideas. If you have any suggestions or would like to join us in our ministry efforts, please don't hesitate to reach out and let us know. Together, we can continue to build a community of men devoted to living out their faith in a meaningful and impactful way.

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