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Media Ministry

The Media Ministry 

The Media Ministry exists to honor and glorify God by ensuring the clear and uninterrupted dissemination of His Word, praise, and worship through various media platforms. Our mission is to deliver exceptional audio, video, and production quality, both locally within our church and globally through broadcasting and distribution, so that God's message can be experienced without distraction or interference.

Music Ministry:

Through the power of sound, our Music Ministry creates an atmosphere of praise and worship that invites everyone to engage with God.

Media Ministry (Livestream):

The Media Ministry is dedicated to enhancing the worship experience by providing captivating graphics, sound, and visuals to both our in-house audience and those joining us through live streaming.

Praise & Worship Ministry:

Praise and Worship play a pivotal role in setting the tone for our services. Our aim is to uplift and encourage one another through heartfelt songs, genuine spirit, and the truth of God's Word.

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